Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One week away!

The first official school day is one week away! Where did the summer go??! Teacher in-service begins later this week and Back to School Night will be Monday, August 20th. I currently have 12 students enrolled in my class, but I highly doubt it will stay at 12. I predict adding at least 1-2 more students before next Wednesday arrives. Either way, it will still be my smallest class ever! I am looking forward to more differentiation this year and more one-on-one interaction with my students! I am also excited about the new Bible curriculum we are starting this year. 12 years of the same old program starts to get old VERY fast! Stay tuned for finished pics and Back to School Night pics!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Classroom Pics

My classroom is not ready, but I am posting some progress! Tonight I worked on my large bulletin board where I display student work. I wanted to make an awesome tree, but decided to go simple.
I also worked on another bulletin board, made my classroom wish list (items parents can donate for our class), cleaned the top of my teacher desk, passed out workbooks on desks, and laminated a few items. The three hours went very fast. Here are a few more pics:
My birthday chart will not be completed until after the first day of school. Thanks to Pinterest, I am taking a photo of students who share the same birthday month while holding up the number of their birth date. I have a few posters to hang above these two items.

My classroom door

I made progress in my room! Thursday was the first day back in the classroom after the hallways and carpets were waxed and cleaned! My wonderful husband moved and arranged my student desks and then I got busy. I also went on Friday for a few hours since my husband had the day off and he could care for our kiddos. Here is a pic of my door:
I will be heading to my classroom this evening in hopes of getting my big owl bulletin board finished. I will post some pics as soon as it and my classroom is together! I have made major progress though and am starting to feel less stressed!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Last Wednesday, I had to move my desks so that my classroom carpet could be cleaned which meant that I needed to get most of them on top of tables, etc. so that the maximum floor space could be cleaned. After carpet cleaning, our hallways would be stripped and waxed. When this happens, NO one can walk on them. So, my Back to School efforts are on hold until I get the "all clear" signal from the office. I am hoping to get into my classroom tomorrow or Thursday at the latest! I am so far behind and with school starting two weeks from tomorrow, the anxiety is starting to set in.
This is my new teacher bag which is PERFECT for my theme this year! I couldn't find an owl postcard to send to my class welcoming them to my class. However, I found a great stamp at Hobby Lobby and stamped an owl. Hopefully, I can get a LOT done later this week and will post classroom pics!!