Most teachers have Smartboards in their classroom or have access to one somewhere in their school. I was so excited to be the first teacher in my school to have one. (I'm one of the technologically advanced teachers on staff.) My co-teacher and I saw them in another second grade classroom and knew we just HAD to have them!
For those of you who haven't seen a Smartboard, I'll explain what it does. The smartboard is like a whiteboard, but is electronic and highly interactive. It is connected to a computer in the classroom where the teacher has created lessons through a software program or goes online and finds lessons, games, websites.
A student goes up the Smartboard and moves objects around, or clicks on the right answer or writes using the special markers on the ledge. The possibilities are endless AND you can watch movies on it as well! It's like having a big screen tv, manipulatives, posters, games, and charts all in one!
I'll be posting Smartboard resources once a week. If you have any questions, I am here and will help you as best as I can. I am not an expert in any way, but am very familiar with them.
Looks like a terrific start, Jen. Thanks for remembering us homeschool moms as well. I'll look forward to visiting often. Btw, sure wish I had a Smartboard for MY class. ;)
Toni, I bet most homeschool moms would love a Smartboard! They are quite expensive!!