Friday, August 6, 2010


Each year, I try to do something different. This year I am trying to differentiate more and am going to focus with my reading instruction. We have a new reading curriculum called "Treasures" and they highly suggest small group instruction daily. This will be a change because normally I teach whole-group most of the week (minus leveled reader days).

Differentiation and using Senteo clickers with the Smartboard are my goals for the new school year. I am looking forward to getting them and creating quizzes for about every subject.

(Senteo clickers are given to students. They select the correct answer to each question displayed on the Smartboard. It can record how they did and how many children scored correctly/incorrectly on any given answer. This is great for review for a chapter test!)

If you have not made a goal(s) for the year, I highly suggest it!

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